Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Otaru, Hokkaido - Part 2

Woohoo!! Continuing my travelog of my Hong Kong - Otaru trip!!

This post is on our first day in Otaru!

For the first post (on Hongkong) click HERE.
For the second post (on our flight and first night in Otaru) click HERE.

For those of you who were guessing what the blurry objects in this photo was:

Answer revealed!


A super duper gorgeous view out of our hotel room ♥

Otaru is just so beautiful and serene!

While I was still snoozing Cheesie already woke up and finished doing her morning stuff + applied makeup + camwhored. -_-

She is seriously the most zealous hardworking vain blogger ever.

I be a good friend and post a gorgeous pic of her if not her camwhoring wasted. LOL

You see? This woman is crazy. LOL!!

Btw we both bought this pretty dress in Hongkong, from the aforementioned "C.S" shop. (Refer to Hongkong post)

And she also somehow had time to snap a picture of...

My luggage (with hello kitty dustbin I bought from HK.

And her luggage. With her horrible shoes. More about that in another blog entry.

If you are wondering why my camera pouch (stalker!) is in her luggage it is because it is because used as our communal money pouch to pay for things like food/taxis!


Oh how I love you Hokkaido cows...

Stole a pic from Cheesie's blog post.

Recognise the chef? 
Worked till 10pm to cook for us, up at 8am to cook again!

I tried a poppy seed bun for the first time. Love it!

:( Not so much a fan of the raw seafood since I don't typically like raw stuff but look at those scallops and salmon!

Grand Park Otaru rented a cab to chauffeur us around the whole day!!! o_o

Little cottages along the way

I was a scaredy cat and wore a long sleeved dress with leggings 
and boots coz I was so afraid I'd be cold but...

As it turns out it's real sunny and warm so I took them off!

Finally, a big chio photo of me!

With Cheesie

Our first destination? MOUNT TENGU!! 

It is actually really famous.

For its awesome views. So gorgeous and breath-taking!

Zero photoshop on the picture!

HUGE fluffy dandelions abound.

Look at how big it is!! 3 fingers' width.

More views. Our driver was awesome! He was pointing out famous landmarks for us. :D

One more

School children having an expedition

So pretty

Check out this gorgeous picture I took for Cheesie with her dandelion seeds all dreamily aflutter. And see what she took for me?

Nothing. Byatch can't snap a shot!! LOL Never mind I made my photo have the vintageish colour and gave her none.

And as we were walking around I saw this:


I was so excited and kept asking Cheesie to ask the driver whether we can go in but as it turns out it only opens in summer!!! T_T

I was sooooooooooo sad ok??!

I mean seriously, this could have been me!!

I could have been feeding super cute chipmunks!! *bawls

Mount Tengu translates to "天狗山" and I thought it's some imperial dog but as it turns out it is named after a red long nosed goblin.

You are supposed to rub his nose and make wishes!!


PLEASE GRANT MY WISH!! *kiasu rubbing*

Cheesie and I. She's wearing my shoes. LOL

One last pic of awesome Mount Tengu taken by our driver who had to scale precarious heights to snap it.

En route to LUNCH!

This is the restaurant we ate at!! It's a little cozy place with seats for a maximum of maybe 6 people.

Guess what we are having?

Plastered all over the limited wall space are well wishes and praises from customers all over the globe. Here's one from Singaporeans.

I burst out laughing like mad when I saw this, not because I am read Korean but because the person drew a caricature of the chef/owner and it is UNCANNY.



I love this guy he is soooooo funny and affable! He is super filled with pride at his own food and whenever curious people meander into the restaurant he keeps telling them his food is the best in the world and it is not self praise but said by all the customers, as evidenced by the cards on the walls.

Cheesie said he said to everyone that his food "吃了会佷感动". LOL

When I asked him for a picture he made his cartoon face at me.

My food - all sorts of crabs because I don't eat raw food, which is his specialty!

Here's Cheesie's.

Us with noms :D

BTW! For the first time in my life I decided to be brave and give raw food another chance so I tried sea urchin!!

OMG I actually liked it!! Maybe it's coz it's so fresh but it didn't have the raw taste at all, just a creamy favour. And thus I also tried scallops raw - and also liked it! Scrimp too but that one I found meh. Proud of myself!

Melon ice cream in such a pretty purple.

Our driver also brought us to the oldest church in Otaru...

Cheesie said it is very weird to see Jesus with Japanese text.

Our driver brought us to another hilltop to get another view... Can't believe how clear the waters are. No photoshop on the colours!

Ending with this enigmatic picture of Cheesie looking sharkly while in a shark's mouth. Will post pictures of our Aquarium visit soon!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Bébé Poshé



In case you are wondering why there is a photo of me... Well today I'm gonna show you how to do the above look!

I kept it very simple and clean (for my standards) because it is summer now! Summer is the time for comfy linens and bronzy, glowy skin!

And tadah!! Makeup all done with...

Bébé Poshé products!

Bébé Poshé (pronounced bay-bay-po-shay)  is a new brand of makeup that has just launched in Singapore (right now sold at Watsons Toa Payoh Hub, East Point, Forum Galleria, Harbourfront, Chevron House with more stores coming soon) and it has super nice packaging!! Baby pink and black - love ♥!

And guess what? The brand is actually a collaboration among some gorgeous Taiwanese socialites... FOR SOCIALITES!! Actually that makes the products sound quite expensive but they are not!!

If you are interested in the brand story you can read more here.

Bébé Poshé sent me like a zillion products but I picked out a few I liked best for this look!

Products used:

1) False lashes in #01, Tokyo Doll

2) Bebe Creme, Foundation of Youth in #01, Doll

3) Princess Kiss lipstick in #08, Milk Toffee

4) Bebe Cake, Silky Translucent powder in #01, Dolly

5) Cheeky Bebe Blusher in #01, Rose

6) Cheeky Bebe Blusher in #02, Peche

7) Starry Eyeshadow in Vanity Fair

8) Perfect Concealer

9) Juicy Muah, lipgloss in #01 Hickey

10) Bebe Doll, Superlong Waterproof mascara

11) Dazzling eye pencil in #2, Metallic Copper

On my hand from left: The liquid foundation, concealer in 2 shades, and translucent pressed powder.

The liquid foundation is light and makes my skin dewy. It contains Aloe Vera Extract and Hyaluronic Acide to help soothe skin and keep it hydrated. However, it is a bit too light for my face as I just went tanning :(

The pressed powder is very fine and blots oiliness quite well.

I am in love with the concealer! As you can see it comes in a tiny little case with not one but TWO shades!! This is great as I like to put concealer on the sides of my nose and I could use the darker shade for that. For people with dark eye rings you can use the lighter shade under eyes too!!

And best part? It comes with a little brush too! How considerate and fuss-free! :D

Also very opaque and covers blemishes well! It would be perfect to slip into a wallet to bring around for emergencies. Like if you meet some handsome guy at some party and you have a zit or something. TADAH! NOT TO WORRY I HAVE CONCEALER! LOL

And with my new Bébé Poshé brush...

Applied the pinker blush on the apples of my cheeks and a weeny bit on my nose for that sunkissed look.

The peach shade is for shading!

For my eyes I applied a gold shimmer all over the lids, then brown for contouring. The eyeshadow is very pigmented and opaque, which is awesome.

For my eyeliner I chose metallic copper. I'm a fan of brown eyeliner because it gives a softer look and goes with the bronze tones well! I usually don't like eyeliner pencils but this one is really good and applies very very smoothly!

Lashes in Tokyo Doll

Bébé Poshé gave me a few lashes to choose from but Tokyo doll is my absolute favourite!!

Not only are the lashes made of a soft, natural (read: not plasticky) material, the lash bone is extremely soft and therefore comfortable to wear.

AND guess what? The lashes are a mix of brown and black!

After being to Japan recently I realised that brown lashes are now all the rage but it's super hard to find.

The lashes are stored with 2 stickers on the ends of each lash which explains why the lash bone juts out so much. Snip snip and they are ready to be used.

Here's a pic of my eye makeup! On the bottom lashes I picked length over volume and used the lengthening mascara. I had really low expectations for the mascara because all mascaras claim to lengthen anyway but this one is really good!

Little fibres inside the mascara caused my lashes to look super long. :)

For lips I used Bébé Poshé's lipstick in Milk Toffee. I love the colour! Smells like eucalyptus too! It contains Lavender Essense and Vitamin E. In the middle of the lips I put on their gloss in Hickey, for that extra pouty look.


I also wanna mention their lip balms... OMG THE SMELLS ARE HEAVENLY. I am so in love with the rose and honey ones!

Camwhoring pix:


Want to win some Bébé Poshé products???

Really simple - and FUN too!

Just join Bébé Poshé's facebook page HERE.

You can then play their fun memory game:

Where you match their products before time runs out!

Top 10 fans that completes the incredible memory game at the shortest time wins a gift from Bébé Poshé worth $80! Best part is you get to choose your own gifts!

Top 11-40 fans also wins a gift from Bébé Poshé ( Lip Balm, Lipstick, Eye Shadow or Gel Eyeliner). Cool right?


Gonna post another Otaru blog post tomorrow so do visit back ok?? Haven't finished editing the pictures yet.

Also, if you want some tips on makeup removal do check out my latest Guide to Life video here!!