Friday, February 24, 2012
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Oh you guys are gonna fucking hate this blog entry alright but I don't care.
So, I'm gonna be talking about Adele and her fats, which I have already bitched about on twitter because of the recent Karl Lagerfeld controversy, but someone told me to blog about it so I shall. With 140 characters limiting you it is not that easy to broach a taboo topic like that and fully explain your views.
But first, a disclaimer. Don't get so fucking sensitive - nobody hates fat people, ok?
I mean in any first world society, everyone is bound to have a relative or a friend who is overweight. It is IMPOSSIBLE to sum it all up and say "XX hates fat people!" when hello? My grandma is fat. Do I hate her? No, she took care of me when I was a child and I fucking love her, fats and all.
And I do have friends who are fat. Is it ok if I use the word fat? I'm gonna use it because "overweight" is way too long to type repeatedly. So yes, nobody hates all fat people, because why? Why should anyone's weight bother me? Unless they steal all my food it becomes an issue but otherwise it's not my problem.
There are plenty of fat and well-balanced (I mean mentally) individuals out there who have accepted their weight and have other priorities in life beside bothering about whether they can fit into a size S. Case in point: Moms who just gave birth and said "fuck it" to the scales. They need to eat in order to provide breast milk for their children. They have no time for the gym to lose pregnancy weight. If anyone says they are fat, they smile and say "Who cares about me? Look at my baby, isn't he beautiful?"
These people don't let their weight make them bitter and disgruntled. It is your life, if you decide weight is just a number, then live your life happily gobbling down Krispy Kremes, nobody cares.
As if the rest of us who care about our looks are shallow, miserable assholes who are worth nothing. You have YOUR priorities and I have mine - let me be vain and superficial in peace and I'd let you be fat and oily in peace, OK?! Quid pro quo!
Adele is exactly one of these hypocritical cunts and I really, really cannot stand her.
It is enough that a lot of fat people, in order to feel empowered about their weight and justify their laziness, decide to blame and hate on everyone else of a normal weight. We hear things that "Skinny bitch with no boobs and ass", "Real women have curves" and "she's going to the loo again? Must be to puke" jokes over and over again. We laugh at girls who eat salads.
On 9gag I constantly see them put a picture of a badly taken paparazzi shot of a supermodel at a beach looking a little too skinny, and compare it to a studio shot of a photoshopped, made up, plus-size model and the caption? "This is sexy (the fat one), this is SHIT (the supermodel)." The men say statements like "We love real women who will eat a cheeseburger."
No. Ineligible men love woman who have low self-worth because these are the only girls who will look at them. Girls who work hard for their appearance want rewards for it in the form of dating eligible men and they KNOW what they are worth. They won't give 9gag losers the time of day, so what do the losers do? Sour grapes of course. Have you ever seen a rich handsome man say "I'd prefer a fat chick who never dresses up and doesn't put makeup, over supermodels."? Have you? NO.
But yet all these "It's better to be curvy (read: fat) than to be skinny" sentiments are popping up everywhere.
It's spreading everywhere, like a disease.
I'm sorry, since when is having zero self control supposed to be something to be proud of?!
What, so skinny people have in easier in life - does that mean you can insult them all the time? What do you want? Would you like everyone to also overindulge in food and never exercise again to prove to you that looks are not important, character is? Shall we burn all treadmills?
It is basic human nature to hate on people who work hard.
In school, we hate on nerds who study hard for their exams. When the results come out and you fail college because you were out partying while the nerd goes on to become a lawyer, you yell and say the system is fucked up! It should not be the hardworking who can get better results but the naturally brilliant! Why, if both you and that nerd BOTH didn't study, you bet you'd get better results than him! SCREW THE SYSTEM, BILL GATES NEVER GRADUATED!!
And then later on in life you like a cute boy but he chooses a girl prettier than you, slimmer than you. She works out at the gym, watches her diet and she's got plastic surgery and wears makeup and pretty clothes all the time.
What do you do? Instead of upping your game you bitch and moan, complaining that the girl cheated her way up the looks hierarchy. Stupid girl must spend all her time dwelling on her looks and must have no personality at all!
Why should men care about looks? What a shallow man, you say, conveniently forgetting you also liked him because of his looks.
Shouldn't they care about character, like in that Taylor Swift song? Can't he see you are his soulmate? If she didn't work out or had plastic surgery you bet you are even better-looking than her!!
Ah but here's the thing... She did work out and she did get surgery.
Surprise!! Other people are more hardworking than you! Instead of blaming the system, GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASS AND DO SOMETHING.What is stopping you?
Are you afraid that if you studied hard your results are only mediocre? Are you afraid that after plastic surgery and losing weight you are still ugly and your dream boy still doesn't like you? So afraid and insecure that you'd rather never have tried hard before, than to try hard and fail? Well then fuck you, you have no rights to insult others who had the courage to try.
Back to Adele. I hate her because she is making this disgusting attitude more prominent than ever.
Let's look at some of her quotes:
It is disgusting how her quotes are being idolised by so many. People are all praising her, saying how BRAVE she is to dare to be different from the cookie cutter pretty stars we see nowadays, how she speaks out for fat acceptance, and how her music is not about looks but about, well, music.
Is she trying to say that somehow, if she were to show her boobs and her bum now (no thanks) that immediately her music will become a pile of shit?
If you are good, you are good. WHAT IS THIS CRAP? So what if Lady Gaga or Katy Perry makes music for 'eyes'?
Go do your own thing if you wish to be an unattractive singer - NO NEED TO INSULT OTHERS AND JUSTIFY YOURSELF! You are already making so much money and loved by so many, WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT, ADELE?!

I really hate that she is always putting down other singers, prancing on her lofty high horse, like she is so much better.
There are people who idolise singers for their entire package including looks and styling, there are people who idolise singers just for good music - DON'T BLAME THE GAME ADELE, SUCH IS LIFE! Some people like looking at pretty things!
Talk about condescending... You think you are the first popular singer who is fat? THINK AGAIN! There were plenty before you, no need to speak as if you brought about a whole revolution! I don't know that much about English pop but Mandopop Singer Ocean Ou became popular when he never even showed his face. He was just a cartoon! And I don't hear him go on and on about how Andy Lau is ruining the industry by making music for "eyes". *roll eyes*
Ok you may think I'm over-reacting and over-inferring from that simple quote but here is more, and they prove my point on what a hypocritical, condescending, judgmental, insecure asshole she is:
Did anyone ask her to choose between weighing a ton and doing an amazing album or be skinny and do a shit album?
No, people were asking her to choose between weighing a ton and doing an amazing album OR weigh normal and do an amazing album - because taking care of your diet DOES NOT AFFECT YOUR TALENT OR ABILITY TO MAKE AN AMAZING ALBUM!
And I'm not even going to talk about that last sentence about how she aims to NEVER be skinny in life because that's just fucking illogical and rude to everyone who is skinny. Ridiculous!! I don't even... URGH!
Here is more!!!
Let's tackle the elephant in the room with every photo of her you saw so far, ok?
What do you see?
If she truly doesn't feel like looks or even a vague amount of sex appeal is necessary for success, why is she always covering her face up with shitloads of foundation, carefully applied eyeliner and false lashes that reach up to the heavens?
How many hours a day does she spend carefully teasing that bouffant on her hair so that it looks exactly 60s but not 'winehouse'? She doesn't care about looks, only music? Are you kidding me?
Why not just sing in concerts wearing PJs, Adele? Coz you are CONFUSING me now with your hypocrisy. Or better yet, why not just sing behind a curtain or inside a potato sack?
Don't bullshit us Adele - you, like the rest of the famewhoring girls, want to just be pretty as well. It is just that
1) You are too fucking lazy and greedy and
2) the fat chicks everywhere are giving you so much praise for your "courage" and alternative views that you are just simply basking in it all, exploiting your "commonness" in exchange for popularity from people who feel they can identify with you.
Wow... So powerful! I feel like the entire female population just came collectively via our clits and gspots from her proud feminist statement.
Finally! A woman who is fat and says she represents the majority of us girls who are insecure about our weight!!
She even gives a middle finger to girls who want to be on magazine covers!!
Ready or not here comes the Hypocrite Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!
Homegirl says in so many quotes that she never cares to be on magazines covers, and here she is, eating, eating, eating, eating her words. NO WONDER SHE IS FAT!!
Does this look like the majority of girls to you? What now Adele, are we supposed to think your full lips, sharp nose, pretty eyes, and thick hair are totally normal? Way to make us feel secure, honey!
If she was so against mainstream media celebrating impossible standards of beauty, what the fuck is she doing on Vogue, looking like just any other celebrity?
You want to prove a point, Adele? Go on Vogue and be the cover girl with no makeup and a bikini showing off all your lovehandles and cellulite, please. THEN you can say you are proud of how you look like, ok?
If not, just STFU!!!!!!!!
And yes, about Karl Lagerfeld. I initially got over this whole Adele's-a-hypocritical-bitch thing but everyone on my twitter was insulting him for saying the following quote:
What? What did he say wrongly??? Isn't she too fat?
And it's not as if he's talking about Gisele Bundchen being too fat. Adele IS overweight, and unhealthily so. What wrong with calling a spade a spade?! And taking the full quote into context, he was actually saying that she is his favourite singer. It was 90% praise, 10% slightly insulting truth.
And what happens?
Everyone starts to insult him, saying he is a wrinkled orange old ass etc, hope he falls down on a spike and dies. Excuse me but you all are fucking hypocrites now, aren't you? So Lagerfeld cannot comment on Adele's looks but YOU can comment on his looks? FUCK OFF. How dare you be so morally self righteous? Lagerfeld's statement wasn't meant to be malicious, YOURS is.
I cannot understand why anytime anyone dares to say someone is fat, even if it is a neutral statement or with good intentions, all the fatties all the world unit in anger and lash out like mad. And they always reply the same things.
1) I can always lose my weight but you'd always remain (insert insult, mostly ugly or short in my case).
Erm but fact is you DIDN'T lost your weight. Once you do, instead of having people say you are fat, you will be praised and people will all say you are a determined, hardworking and strong willed individual. See, wouldn't that be nice?
Also, I am stating something that you entirely brought upon yourself whereas you are insulting something I am born with and cannot change. Is that fair?
No, looks are not everything. But they do affect A LOT of things and is undisputedly important in this world.
Have you noticed this? The only people in this world who always have people ask them to lose weight are those with good-looking faces. That's why people who care ask them to lose the weight because they have the potential to look gorgeous. Those who have ugly faces and are fat are generally left alone to do whatever they want.
(Except the morbidly obese, who are advised to lose weight for health reasons)
People take this "You are fat" thing WAY too seriously.
Case in point, check out this article presumably a fattie wrote about Gywneth Paltrow hating on fat people.
I found it when I was finding Adele quotes - and of course the author is a big fan of Adele's fat power movement. *rolls eyes*
If you don't wish to read the article I'd sum it up here.
What a sweet story, right? Considering that Gywneth is close friends him, she only wanted the best for him and gave him tough love. It made him a better person and now he is healthy and happy but ALL THE FATTIES ARE NOT!
How dare Gywneth be so fucking rude? Here's what the author responded:
WHAT THE FUCK MAN!! Talk about taking things out of context and being easily angered!!!!!!!
Is it fair that fat people can say things like that Gywneth Paltrow is too skinny and flat chested to keep a man interested? Or to punch her for pointing out that you put on weight? So ridiculous!
And the worst part is that she presumed Gywneth only had evil intentions. No, asshole, someone with evil intentions would say "OMG you gained so much weight you look like a pig that is so fat no other pigs would fuck it." , not "I love you, get it together."
I'm gonna conclude this super long blog entry by saying that fat people need to stop being so fucking sensitive. Sure, a lot of people use the F word to insult you. Remember you brought your own weight upon yourself, you have nobody to blame but yourself and mostly importantly, you have the ability to stop it anytime.
No, I am not saying it is alright for skinny people to insult fat people. It is NOT alright. And it is NOT easy to lose weight. It is unfair, and it is cruel.
But I'm just saying, people won't stop using your weight as ammo against you because it's the easiest way to attack anyone. The only way you can stop it is to actually lose weight.
But keep in mind, a lot of times, people asking you to lose weight just either care about your health or think that your weight is stopping you from getting the most out of life. Don't lash out like a hyena just out of instinct. They don't mean to be malicious.
If you wish to remain fat and is happy being fat, then don't bother about what people say. If you are NOT happy being fat, please do something about it instead of hating on the fact that society in general favour slim and healthy people. This is never going to change, not unless suddenly slim people cannot conceive and only fat people can. It's against nature's will to be attracted to the obese.
Also, fuck Adele. What a cunt.
p/s: My weight is irrelevant but yes, call me fat if you wish, I'm ok with that!
UPDATE: Newest issue of Vogue March 2012 is out!!
Oh honey, thanks so much for proving me right. Here you are looking like a skinny mini with your tits out.
Also, I love how all the dumbfuck haters are commenting about MY weight and how I also put on a ton of makeup (therefore I'm also a hypocrite!). And then they say I am jealous of Adele coz she has talent and I have none, or that I'm just jealous she is more famous than me. Erm........

How is MY weight, appearance, fame or talent relevant to this blog entry?!?!? Yes I'm neither fat nor skinny, but my weight has nothing to do with my opinions.
And one last point. I notice a lot of you people have taken offense at my statement about how fat people are responsible for their own weight and have the ability to lose it. You guys are saying it's genetics, it's a disease, etc. Well, I beg to differ. I believe that with determination, ANYONE can look slim or at least healthy. Sure, it's harder for some people.
But those who say it's impossible are just making convenient excuses. If obesity is something that you cannot change, why do we not ever see fat poverty-stricken African kids? Or in Singapore, why do we not see fat bangala construction workers? I do believe that there are people who have bulky body types like Kenny Sia who always runs marathons and works out but still looks stocky. However, these people look fit with muscles, so nobody will say they are fat. You don't have to agree with me, but that's what I believe.
Oh you guys are gonna fucking hate this blog entry alright but I don't care.
So, I'm gonna be talking about Adele and her fats, which I have already bitched about on twitter because of the recent Karl Lagerfeld controversy, but someone told me to blog about it so I shall. With 140 characters limiting you it is not that easy to broach a taboo topic like that and fully explain your views.
But first, a disclaimer. Don't get so fucking sensitive - nobody hates fat people, ok?
I mean in any first world society, everyone is bound to have a relative or a friend who is overweight. It is IMPOSSIBLE to sum it all up and say "XX hates fat people!" when hello? My grandma is fat. Do I hate her? No, she took care of me when I was a child and I fucking love her, fats and all.
And I do have friends who are fat. Is it ok if I use the word fat? I'm gonna use it because "overweight" is way too long to type repeatedly. So yes, nobody hates all fat people, because why? Why should anyone's weight bother me? Unless they steal all my food it becomes an issue but otherwise it's not my problem.
There are plenty of fat and well-balanced (I mean mentally) individuals out there who have accepted their weight and have other priorities in life beside bothering about whether they can fit into a size S. Case in point: Moms who just gave birth and said "fuck it" to the scales. They need to eat in order to provide breast milk for their children. They have no time for the gym to lose pregnancy weight. If anyone says they are fat, they smile and say "Who cares about me? Look at my baby, isn't he beautiful?"
These people don't let their weight make them bitter and disgruntled. It is your life, if you decide weight is just a number, then live your life happily gobbling down Krispy Kremes, nobody cares.
As if the rest of us who care about our looks are shallow, miserable assholes who are worth nothing. You have YOUR priorities and I have mine - let me be vain and superficial in peace and I'd let you be fat and oily in peace, OK?! Quid pro quo!
Adele is exactly one of these hypocritical cunts and I really, really cannot stand her.
It is enough that a lot of fat people, in order to feel empowered about their weight and justify their laziness, decide to blame and hate on everyone else of a normal weight. We hear things that "Skinny bitch with no boobs and ass", "Real women have curves" and "she's going to the loo again? Must be to puke" jokes over and over again. We laugh at girls who eat salads.
On 9gag I constantly see them put a picture of a badly taken paparazzi shot of a supermodel at a beach looking a little too skinny, and compare it to a studio shot of a photoshopped, made up, plus-size model and the caption? "This is sexy (the fat one), this is SHIT (the supermodel)." The men say statements like "We love real women who will eat a cheeseburger."
No. Ineligible men love woman who have low self-worth because these are the only girls who will look at them. Girls who work hard for their appearance want rewards for it in the form of dating eligible men and they KNOW what they are worth. They won't give 9gag losers the time of day, so what do the losers do? Sour grapes of course. Have you ever seen a rich handsome man say "I'd prefer a fat chick who never dresses up and doesn't put makeup, over supermodels."? Have you? NO.
But yet all these "It's better to be curvy (read: fat) than to be skinny" sentiments are popping up everywhere.
It's spreading everywhere, like a disease.
I'm sorry, since when is having zero self control supposed to be something to be proud of?!
What, so skinny people have in easier in life - does that mean you can insult them all the time? What do you want? Would you like everyone to also overindulge in food and never exercise again to prove to you that looks are not important, character is? Shall we burn all treadmills?
It is basic human nature to hate on people who work hard.
In school, we hate on nerds who study hard for their exams. When the results come out and you fail college because you were out partying while the nerd goes on to become a lawyer, you yell and say the system is fucked up! It should not be the hardworking who can get better results but the naturally brilliant! Why, if both you and that nerd BOTH didn't study, you bet you'd get better results than him! SCREW THE SYSTEM, BILL GATES NEVER GRADUATED!!
And then later on in life you like a cute boy but he chooses a girl prettier than you, slimmer than you. She works out at the gym, watches her diet and she's got plastic surgery and wears makeup and pretty clothes all the time.
What do you do? Instead of upping your game you bitch and moan, complaining that the girl cheated her way up the looks hierarchy. Stupid girl must spend all her time dwelling on her looks and must have no personality at all!
Why should men care about looks? What a shallow man, you say, conveniently forgetting you also liked him because of his looks.
Shouldn't they care about character, like in that Taylor Swift song? Can't he see you are his soulmate? If she didn't work out or had plastic surgery you bet you are even better-looking than her!!
Ah but here's the thing... She did work out and she did get surgery.
Surprise!! Other people are more hardworking than you! Instead of blaming the system, GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASS AND DO SOMETHING.What is stopping you?
Are you afraid that if you studied hard your results are only mediocre? Are you afraid that after plastic surgery and losing weight you are still ugly and your dream boy still doesn't like you? So afraid and insecure that you'd rather never have tried hard before, than to try hard and fail? Well then fuck you, you have no rights to insult others who had the courage to try.
Back to Adele. I hate her because she is making this disgusting attitude more prominent than ever.
Let's look at some of her quotes:
It is disgusting how her quotes are being idolised by so many. People are all praising her, saying how BRAVE she is to dare to be different from the cookie cutter pretty stars we see nowadays, how she speaks out for fat acceptance, and how her music is not about looks but about, well, music.
Is she trying to say that somehow, if she were to show her boobs and her bum now (no thanks) that immediately her music will become a pile of shit?
If you are good, you are good. WHAT IS THIS CRAP? So what if Lady Gaga or Katy Perry makes music for 'eyes'?
Go do your own thing if you wish to be an unattractive singer - NO NEED TO INSULT OTHERS AND JUSTIFY YOURSELF! You are already making so much money and loved by so many, WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT, ADELE?!
Adele's Asian incarnate
I really hate that she is always putting down other singers, prancing on her lofty high horse, like she is so much better.
There are people who idolise singers for their entire package including looks and styling, there are people who idolise singers just for good music - DON'T BLAME THE GAME ADELE, SUCH IS LIFE! Some people like looking at pretty things!
Talk about condescending... You think you are the first popular singer who is fat? THINK AGAIN! There were plenty before you, no need to speak as if you brought about a whole revolution! I don't know that much about English pop but Mandopop Singer Ocean Ou became popular when he never even showed his face. He was just a cartoon! And I don't hear him go on and on about how Andy Lau is ruining the industry by making music for "eyes". *roll eyes*
Ok you may think I'm over-reacting and over-inferring from that simple quote but here is more, and they prove my point on what a hypocritical, condescending, judgmental, insecure asshole she is:
Did anyone ask her to choose between weighing a ton and doing an amazing album or be skinny and do a shit album?
No, people were asking her to choose between weighing a ton and doing an amazing album OR weigh normal and do an amazing album - because taking care of your diet DOES NOT AFFECT YOUR TALENT OR ABILITY TO MAKE AN AMAZING ALBUM!
And I'm not even going to talk about that last sentence about how she aims to NEVER be skinny in life because that's just fucking illogical and rude to everyone who is skinny. Ridiculous!! I don't even... URGH!
Here is more!!!
"I’ve never seen magazine covers or music videos and been like ‘I need to look like that to be a success.’ I don’t want to be some skinny mini with my tits out. I really don’t want to do it and I don’t want people confusing what it is that I’m about."
Let's tackle the elephant in the room with every photo of her you saw so far, ok?
What do you see?
If she truly doesn't feel like looks or even a vague amount of sex appeal is necessary for success, why is she always covering her face up with shitloads of foundation, carefully applied eyeliner and false lashes that reach up to the heavens?
How many hours a day does she spend carefully teasing that bouffant on her hair so that it looks exactly 60s but not 'winehouse'? She doesn't care about looks, only music? Are you kidding me?
Why not just sing in concerts wearing PJs, Adele? Coz you are CONFUSING me now with your hypocrisy. Or better yet, why not just sing behind a curtain or inside a potato sack?
Don't bullshit us Adele - you, like the rest of the famewhoring girls, want to just be pretty as well. It is just that
1) You are too fucking lazy and greedy and
2) the fat chicks everywhere are giving you so much praise for your "courage" and alternative views that you are just simply basking in it all, exploiting your "commonness" in exchange for popularity from people who feel they can identify with you.
Wow... So powerful! I feel like the entire female population just came collectively via our clits and gspots from her proud feminist statement.
Finally! A woman who is fat and says she represents the majority of us girls who are insecure about our weight!!
She even gives a middle finger to girls who want to be on magazine covers!!
Ready or not here comes the Hypocrite Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!
Homegirl says in so many quotes that she never cares to be on magazines covers, and here she is, eating, eating, eating, eating her words. NO WONDER SHE IS FAT!!
Does this look like the majority of girls to you? What now Adele, are we supposed to think your full lips, sharp nose, pretty eyes, and thick hair are totally normal? Way to make us feel secure, honey!
If she was so against mainstream media celebrating impossible standards of beauty, what the fuck is she doing on Vogue, looking like just any other celebrity?
You want to prove a point, Adele? Go on Vogue and be the cover girl with no makeup and a bikini showing off all your lovehandles and cellulite, please. THEN you can say you are proud of how you look like, ok?
If not, just STFU!!!!!!!!
And yes, about Karl Lagerfeld. I initially got over this whole Adele's-a-hypocritical-bitch thing but everyone on my twitter was insulting him for saying the following quote:
"The thing at the moment is Adele. She is a little too fat, but she has a beautiful face and a divine voice."
What? What did he say wrongly??? Isn't she too fat?
And it's not as if he's talking about Gisele Bundchen being too fat. Adele IS overweight, and unhealthily so. What wrong with calling a spade a spade?! And taking the full quote into context, he was actually saying that she is his favourite singer. It was 90% praise, 10% slightly insulting truth.
And what happens?
Everyone starts to insult him, saying he is a wrinkled orange old ass etc, hope he falls down on a spike and dies. Excuse me but you all are fucking hypocrites now, aren't you? So Lagerfeld cannot comment on Adele's looks but YOU can comment on his looks? FUCK OFF. How dare you be so morally self righteous? Lagerfeld's statement wasn't meant to be malicious, YOURS is.
I cannot understand why anytime anyone dares to say someone is fat, even if it is a neutral statement or with good intentions, all the fatties all the world unit in anger and lash out like mad. And they always reply the same things.
1) I can always lose my weight but you'd always remain (insert insult, mostly ugly or short in my case).
Erm but fact is you DIDN'T lost your weight. Once you do, instead of having people say you are fat, you will be praised and people will all say you are a determined, hardworking and strong willed individual. See, wouldn't that be nice?
Also, I am stating something that you entirely brought upon yourself whereas you are insulting something I am born with and cannot change. Is that fair?
No, looks are not everything. But they do affect A LOT of things and is undisputedly important in this world.
Have you noticed this? The only people in this world who always have people ask them to lose weight are those with good-looking faces. That's why people who care ask them to lose the weight because they have the potential to look gorgeous. Those who have ugly faces and are fat are generally left alone to do whatever they want.
(Except the morbidly obese, who are advised to lose weight for health reasons)
People take this "You are fat" thing WAY too seriously.
Case in point, check out this article presumably a fattie wrote about Gywneth Paltrow hating on fat people.
I found it when I was finding Adele quotes - and of course the author is a big fan of Adele's fat power movement. *rolls eyes*
If you don't wish to read the article I'd sum it up here.
Basically, a celebrity host called Ross Matthew is good friends with Gywneth Paltrow. He was putting on weight and when he saw Paltrow, she pointed at his tummy and said "What's going on here? I love you, get it together!"
That motivated him to lose 50 pounds so now he is really healthy and happy.
What a sweet story, right? Considering that Gywneth is close friends him, she only wanted the best for him and gave him tough love. It made him a better person and now he is healthy and happy but ALL THE FATTIES ARE NOT!
How dare Gywneth be so fucking rude? Here's what the author responded:
"The best way to respond (to someone saying you gained weight like Gywneth did) is to attack, letting your full-on CUNT rage: "Yeah, I have been eating too much fried chicken lately. I'm starting to look like the chick your boyfriend is boning behind your back. That must suck, to feel like you're too skinny and flat-chested to keep a man interested."
If someone (Goop) had come up to me, pointed at my stomach and said “What’s going on here? I love you. Get it together,” I would have started crying, and then punched her in face.
You just don’t say that crap to people, honestly. I’m a raging bitch, and even I think that’s wrong. I mean, sure, maybe it was the “wakeup call” Ross needed to get healthier (although in my opinion, he really wasn’t all that heavy to begin with), but Gwyneth didn’t say it to him because she wants him to have a better life. She said it to him because his weight offended her deeply, as all of our peasanty lifestyles offend her."
WHAT THE FUCK MAN!! Talk about taking things out of context and being easily angered!!!!!!!
Is it fair that fat people can say things like that Gywneth Paltrow is too skinny and flat chested to keep a man interested? Or to punch her for pointing out that you put on weight? So ridiculous!
And the worst part is that she presumed Gywneth only had evil intentions. No, asshole, someone with evil intentions would say "OMG you gained so much weight you look like a pig that is so fat no other pigs would fuck it." , not "I love you, get it together."
I'm gonna conclude this super long blog entry by saying that fat people need to stop being so fucking sensitive. Sure, a lot of people use the F word to insult you. Remember you brought your own weight upon yourself, you have nobody to blame but yourself and mostly importantly, you have the ability to stop it anytime.
No, I am not saying it is alright for skinny people to insult fat people. It is NOT alright. And it is NOT easy to lose weight. It is unfair, and it is cruel.
But I'm just saying, people won't stop using your weight as ammo against you because it's the easiest way to attack anyone. The only way you can stop it is to actually lose weight.
But keep in mind, a lot of times, people asking you to lose weight just either care about your health or think that your weight is stopping you from getting the most out of life. Don't lash out like a hyena just out of instinct. They don't mean to be malicious.
If you wish to remain fat and is happy being fat, then don't bother about what people say. If you are NOT happy being fat, please do something about it instead of hating on the fact that society in general favour slim and healthy people. This is never going to change, not unless suddenly slim people cannot conceive and only fat people can. It's against nature's will to be attracted to the obese.
Also, fuck Adele. What a cunt.
p/s: My weight is irrelevant but yes, call me fat if you wish, I'm ok with that!
UPDATE: Newest issue of Vogue March 2012 is out!!
Oh honey, thanks so much for proving me right. Here you are looking like a skinny mini with your tits out.
Also, I love how all the dumbfuck haters are commenting about MY weight and how I also put on a ton of makeup (therefore I'm also a hypocrite!). And then they say I am jealous of Adele coz she has talent and I have none, or that I'm just jealous she is more famous than me. Erm........

How is MY weight, appearance, fame or talent relevant to this blog entry?!?!? Yes I'm neither fat nor skinny, but my weight has nothing to do with my opinions.
And one last point. I notice a lot of you people have taken offense at my statement about how fat people are responsible for their own weight and have the ability to lose it. You guys are saying it's genetics, it's a disease, etc. Well, I beg to differ. I believe that with determination, ANYONE can look slim or at least healthy. Sure, it's harder for some people.
But those who say it's impossible are just making convenient excuses. If obesity is something that you cannot change, why do we not ever see fat poverty-stricken African kids? Or in Singapore, why do we not see fat bangala construction workers? I do believe that there are people who have bulky body types like Kenny Sia who always runs marathons and works out but still looks stocky. However, these people look fit with muscles, so nobody will say they are fat. You don't have to agree with me, but that's what I believe.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
I love Juicy Skin!
Tell you all something super stupid ok? The reason why the above pic is so teal themed is because I thought I wanted to start this advert by saying "I feel like a mermaid because I'm so hydrated" then I realised it is very lame LOLOL.
So that's just a picture where I happen to be wearing blue-green stuff.
Today I'd be reviewing a new line of skincare from Za!!
I already love it before using it because...
The products are the most gorgeous shade of pearly milky pink! :D Would look so good on any vanity.
Say hello to Za's new skincare range - Za Total Hydration!
This range is specially formulated for ladies in their 20s (which, ahem, includes me even though I'm almost out of there).
Actually I remember when I was a teenager and I started to get zits, my mom told me to start using facial cleansers, and she also bought me a milk moisturizer.
When I was younger I never ever felt the need to moisturize, mostly coz I didn't sleep with the aircon on. My face was just super oily all the time - I could soak up 1 and a half of those rubbery facial blotters! As such, when I put on oil based moisturizers, the oiliness actually became worse and made me grow more zits. I swore never to use moisturizers again.
Of course as I grew older my skin got drier and drier and I had to eat my words. In fact, nowadays if i don't moisturize straightaway after a shower, my skin actually HURTS. I'm not sure if this is a common thing but thanks a lot skin, way to remind me that I'm old!!
My point is, younger people have different skin, and they should be using something age appropriate and not just whatever mom's using. :)
Younger girls face certain problems...

You may think being youthful mean you can't have dry skin.... Don't be mistaken like I was, just because your skin is oily doesn't mean it isn't dry!
In fact, the solution to excession sebum and enlarged pores is to MOISTURIZE!
But what sort of moisturizer? That's the question.
May I suggest you try the Za Total Hydration range's star product?
The key ingredients in the range - amino mineral gel, vitamin b derivative, prism enhancer, sebum holding powder, and hyaluronic acid!
I love this gel and I'd recommend it especially to young ladies!
This provides moisture fix in 10 seconds flat!
Late for work in the mornings? NO PROBLEM!
And it's super lightweight. The texture is velvety and absorbs very easily, leaving no oily residue.
Remember how I said I hated my milk moisturizer when I was younger? I didn't like the oily, sticky feeling on my face after application! This gel leaves no residue and is totally smooth after application. It doesn't leave your face looking shiny/oily either.
I never liked putting heavy creams on my face before I apply makeup because I feel it cakes up my foundation. This gel won't! You practically cannot feel anything on your face except that it won't be dry anymore. Also solves problems such as conspicuous pores!
The packaging is also awesomesauce. No stupid tubs and it's so flat and light you can just throw it into your bag for midday hydrating sessions!
Another product I like in the range is the Energy Mist.
Especially recommended for office ladies because office aircons are always so cold and so bad for your skin!! But when you have makeup on, how do you hydrate?
With a mist. :D
I never used to like mists because I always thought it would ruin my makeup. The Za girls urged me to give it a try, saying it won't, so I did. Really doesn't affect makeup lol... The nozzle is specially created to give a very very fine mist so you won't get big water droplets on your face.
You don't only have to use it after makeup. Even with a fresh face, you can spray on to moisturize if you are in a rush or if your hands are dirty!
The mist refreshes tired skin, absorbs greasiness and hydrates - as a bonus it makes you smell nice too! Best used after a trip to the smoke-filled hawker centre for lunch.
Also useful for the ladies in their 20s...
Comes in handy if you get occasional pimples.
Fight zits! This Essence prevents recurring blemishes and sooths your skin to prevent inflammation. It dries up your zits but not your skin! Also exfoliates excess dead skin cells and moisturizes at the same time! At $9.90, worth it to give it a try if you have acne.
If like me, you are at the wrong end of the 20s or your skin is naturally just very dry, a cream moisturizer would work better for you.
You can try the Deep Moist Cream!
With the same awesome packaging as the Amino Mineral Gel, this moisturizer nourishes the skin intensely while absorbing excess sebum. Same price too at $10.90. It would be awesome for flights because there is like zero moisture in the air in airplanes. -_-

I love the Foamy Cleanser too! It leaves the skin with a very clean feeling without that squeaky dryness.
It also smells very sweet! I'm very partial to products that smell nice. :p
If you have tried the Amino Mineral Gel and liked it, you can also invest in the Milky Moisturizer!

I find it quite similar to the Amino Mineral Gel except it's a wee bit heavier and more suitable for night use. Comes in a big bottle so it will last you a LONG time! Best part? Not in a tub either! :D
Another two great products are the Pore Care Essence that instantly reduces the appearances of big pores and Moist Lucent Toner that replenishes and retains abundant moisture on the skin. The products are all very reasonably priced, so you can just give them a try.
Want to know more? Check out Za's facebook page here:
And guess what?
If you purchase the Amino Mineral Gel you can also get a 30ml cleanser for FREE!!!!!!!!!
Ending this post with a picture of me and Igloo. She's lucky she doesn't need to be moisturized! Have fun shopping! :D
Tell you all something super stupid ok? The reason why the above pic is so teal themed is because I thought I wanted to start this advert by saying "I feel like a mermaid because I'm so hydrated" then I realised it is very lame LOLOL.
So that's just a picture where I happen to be wearing blue-green stuff.
Today I'd be reviewing a new line of skincare from Za!!
I already love it before using it because...
The products are the most gorgeous shade of pearly milky pink! :D Would look so good on any vanity.
Say hello to Za's new skincare range - Za Total Hydration!
This range is specially formulated for ladies in their 20s (which, ahem, includes me even though I'm almost out of there).
Actually I remember when I was a teenager and I started to get zits, my mom told me to start using facial cleansers, and she also bought me a milk moisturizer.
When I was younger I never ever felt the need to moisturize, mostly coz I didn't sleep with the aircon on. My face was just super oily all the time - I could soak up 1 and a half of those rubbery facial blotters! As such, when I put on oil based moisturizers, the oiliness actually became worse and made me grow more zits. I swore never to use moisturizers again.
Of course as I grew older my skin got drier and drier and I had to eat my words. In fact, nowadays if i don't moisturize straightaway after a shower, my skin actually HURTS. I'm not sure if this is a common thing but thanks a lot skin, way to remind me that I'm old!!
My point is, younger people have different skin, and they should be using something age appropriate and not just whatever mom's using. :)
Younger girls face certain problems...

You may think being youthful mean you can't have dry skin.... Don't be mistaken like I was, just because your skin is oily doesn't mean it isn't dry!
In fact, the solution to excession sebum and enlarged pores is to MOISTURIZE!
But what sort of moisturizer? That's the question.
May I suggest you try the Za Total Hydration range's star product?
The Amino Mineral Gel!
The key ingredients in the range - amino mineral gel, vitamin b derivative, prism enhancer, sebum holding powder, and hyaluronic acid!
I love this gel and I'd recommend it especially to young ladies!
This provides moisture fix in 10 seconds flat!
Late for work in the mornings? NO PROBLEM!
And it's super lightweight. The texture is velvety and absorbs very easily, leaving no oily residue.
Remember how I said I hated my milk moisturizer when I was younger? I didn't like the oily, sticky feeling on my face after application! This gel leaves no residue and is totally smooth after application. It doesn't leave your face looking shiny/oily either.
The texture
I never liked putting heavy creams on my face before I apply makeup because I feel it cakes up my foundation. This gel won't! You practically cannot feel anything on your face except that it won't be dry anymore. Also solves problems such as conspicuous pores!
The packaging is also awesomesauce. No stupid tubs and it's so flat and light you can just throw it into your bag for midday hydrating sessions!
Another product I like in the range is the Energy Mist.
Especially recommended for office ladies because office aircons are always so cold and so bad for your skin!! But when you have makeup on, how do you hydrate?
With a mist. :D
I never used to like mists because I always thought it would ruin my makeup. The Za girls urged me to give it a try, saying it won't, so I did. Really doesn't affect makeup lol... The nozzle is specially created to give a very very fine mist so you won't get big water droplets on your face.
Skin feels so nice afterwards!
You don't only have to use it after makeup. Even with a fresh face, you can spray on to moisturize if you are in a rush or if your hands are dirty!
The mist refreshes tired skin, absorbs greasiness and hydrates - as a bonus it makes you smell nice too! Best used after a trip to the smoke-filled hawker centre for lunch.
Also useful for the ladies in their 20s...
The Blemish Care Essence!
Comes in handy if you get occasional pimples.
Fight zits! This Essence prevents recurring blemishes and sooths your skin to prevent inflammation. It dries up your zits but not your skin! Also exfoliates excess dead skin cells and moisturizes at the same time! At $9.90, worth it to give it a try if you have acne.
If like me, you are at the wrong end of the 20s or your skin is naturally just very dry, a cream moisturizer would work better for you.
You can try the Deep Moist Cream!
With the same awesome packaging as the Amino Mineral Gel, this moisturizer nourishes the skin intensely while absorbing excess sebum. Same price too at $10.90. It would be awesome for flights because there is like zero moisture in the air in airplanes. -_-

I love the Foamy Cleanser too! It leaves the skin with a very clean feeling without that squeaky dryness.
It also smells very sweet! I'm very partial to products that smell nice. :p
If you have tried the Amino Mineral Gel and liked it, you can also invest in the Milky Moisturizer!

I find it quite similar to the Amino Mineral Gel except it's a wee bit heavier and more suitable for night use. Comes in a big bottle so it will last you a LONG time! Best part? Not in a tub either! :D
Another two great products are the Pore Care Essence that instantly reduces the appearances of big pores and Moist Lucent Toner that replenishes and retains abundant moisture on the skin. The products are all very reasonably priced, so you can just give them a try.
I'm a happy girl with my Za!
Want to know more? Check out Za's facebook page here:
And guess what?
If you purchase the Amino Mineral Gel you can also get a 30ml cleanser for FREE!!!!!!!!!
Ending this post with a picture of me and Igloo. She's lucky she doesn't need to be moisturized! Have fun shopping! :D
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Napbas 2011
Finally I'm blogging about the Napbas like a century after everybody else!
Unfortunately I was a little overwhelmed during the event and didn't take many pictures.
I lied.
I took many pictures with people who wanted pictures with me, just not with my camera. :p
WHAT? It's the ONE time in 2 years where I am like a star at an event ok?! Want to be a bit happy about it cannot ah?!
So back to me saying I didn't take many pictures... Fortunately I have friends who did take a lot of pics so I can steal from their blogs!! Namely Qiuqiu wtf, who is actually a master at photoshop. She edited me so well that I didn't bother to liquify anything about myself from the pictures she edited, plus on top of good aesthetic sense she edits like 200 pictures within a few hours. Every single person in her pics are edited because she is that nice. -_- Well I can just retire now and let the young people take over. I cannot do this photoshop crap anymore, my neck and arm muscles are killing me. QIU YOU JUST WAIT THIS WILL HAPPEN TO YOU WHEN YOU OLD.
The Singaporean bloggers all took 2 coaches up to KL's Marriott hotel where the event was held and we were all invited to stay. It was quite a fun ride but the coach got lost so by the time we arrived it was time for hair and makeup already!

This pic Qiuqiu took (as you can see from the watermark I put *ahem*) as I was in her hotel room (she was bunking with Sophie) putting on false lashes.
Amazingly enough someone put this picture on tumblr... It has over 10,000 notes! o_O I told Mike he is famous now as a dude in the background.
Btw my hair was done by Number 76style, a hair salon in KL opened by Japanese. My hair styling was done by a Japanese girl named Hikkey. She's awesome!
That's all my real hair btw, no extensions.
My sequinned dress is from Topshop at like $280 or something. The back was really loose for me but my Momo did some magic sewing and made it fit like a glove. Mad love for her!! How the hell she can sew sequins, I'd never find out.


Love this picture ALL of us girls were camwhoring at the same time with our own cameras! This is from Qiu's. Mine turned out blur. -_-

Here's another blur picture I took. FFFFUUU Y U NO BLUR WHEN I UGLY MUST BLUR WHEN I CHIO?!


In 2009's Napbas my makeup was really fug and my hairstyle didn't suit me, because I experimented with new things, namely that pouffy hair and solotica contacts which I wore for the first time.
This year I swore to stick to makeup and hair that I already know works, so I chose a pair of lashes that I tried on at home and liked.
They were droopy as hell on the awards day. ANGRY! Oh well.

Qiu tonging and tonging nonstop while Mike stares out of a window. He stared for a long time. It's a little creepy but I suppose it's better than if he joins in our makeup session or keeps staring at the room full of gorgeous girls (I AM TALKING ABOUT THE REST OF THEM! Not really, me included. LOL).


And here is Sophie's caption: "I don't know why these girls are fussing so much over their hair and makeup I don't need crap like that I'm Eurasian and naturally gorgeous even when I'm farting and kicking a kitten."
LOL When we were all dressed and ready Sophie was like still in casual clothes! She said getting ready doesn't require much time. ANGMOH HAO LIAN LAH!!


This photo of me is so fugly and yet I appreciate that Cheesie even tried to liquify me to look better (see black space around border). LOLOL
And then we adjourned to the ballroom...

Where I take this one shitty blurry picture of a happy Qiu and Soph and Jess in the background before I'm mobbed by hundreds of photo requests. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!




I also helped her snap shots of her with the Best Fashion Blog background but this pic of her turned out the chioest so I shall post it even though it's with my Best Lifestyle Blog nomination.







Before we could even settle in, the first award for Best Photography Blog was being given out.
I had a shock because it was sooooooooooooo GRAND.
There was intense music and spotlights and best of all, there were five panels forming the backdrop of the stage which could display different pictures!
As the nominations were read out, the panels showed the pictures of the bloggers and a deep manly voice recited their accolades.

It was all just... MAJESTIC. With an epic soundtrack like the Oscars. And there was a red carpet and all!!
And when the first winner was announced, his giant headshot and screenshots of his blog flashed on the panels, larger than life, announcing "WINNER" in big letters.
All I could think of when I saw it was "WOW. THAT WAS AWESOME. I WANT THAT."
Too soon they were announcing for the Best Fashion Blog... I was trembling too coz I was so nervous for Cheesie!!

Even though Cheesie is not the high-end avant garde fashiony sort like most fashion bloggers are, she is definitely the most hardworking vain person ever and she takes pictures of her clothes like EVERYDAY so she totally deserves this! God know she influenced a lot of the styles I like now, like Liz Lisa etc and taught everyone all sorts of Cheat One tricks like how to tie a hair bow in 1 min. :D ♥
Too soon it was the announcement of the Best Lifestyle Blog, which I was nominated for. I was nerve wrecked even though everyone around me was so confident I would win. In my heart I thought - this is the easy one. If I don't win this there is no way in hell I'd win Influential.
The announcer was talking. I was rehearsing a speech inside for when I go up the stage. Then TA DAH!!
I sat in stunned silence.
My face was on one of the 5 panels as a finalist and it got ERASED to form the words "WINNER" next to Jenni's face and screenshots of her blog.
But that was not what I saw when I looked at the stage. What I saw was this:

And then all around the table my friends were giving me pitying "Aw, are you ok?" looks. It was so embarrassing.
I just faked a smile and soldiered on. Ok I'm kidding. I don't think I bothered to fake a smile, I just was emo and grumpy after that, spending my night thinking unsavoury thoughts about Jenni and hating her.
What? I'm sorry I've never been that sort of person who can be happy for other people when it's at my expense ok?!

And of course Jenni had to be the nicest person ever (pic taken after the awards, she's in the suit) and I felt so guilty. Actually all of the Filipino bloggers are super friendly and nice!!
So anyway as I was saying, I was being emo after that. Everyone kept telling me that I was bound to win for Influential, which wasn't announced yet.
It just made me sadder. They just didn't get it. One of the finalists, the one from Thailand, had 600,000 facebook fans!! I only had 60,000! If I can't win for Lifestyle where the finalists had a few thousand visitors a day to their site daily, how can I POSSIBLY win for Influential!?
Then Cheesie's mom called her and she said "Ma... I won..." with a voice choked with emotion and it made me wanna cry, partly out of being touched for Cheesie and partly because I thought of my own mom, anxiously waiting at home for the results. She already asked me TWICE if I won, and now I have to tell her I lost both awards.
And then I tweeted that I lost Lifestyle...
I expected gloaters but no, all I got were really sweet blog readers who told me they think I'm the best no matter what, they'd always vote for me, and whether I win or not doesn't matter because to them, I already won.
Before I knew it they were announcing the dreaded Most Influential Blog and I didn't even fucking prepare a speech but the most unimaginable thing happened:


I was just... WTF man... Couldn't believe it!!
(Also thanks to Aud whom I can see is sincerely happy for me lol)
And when I came down back to my seat... I thought of how awesome my blog readers are...
People always say I have hordes of sheep supporting me, but they are not, each of them are warm-blooded individuals with minds of their own... who believed in me and thought I deserved to win. They all made an effort for me; took time out of their day for me. And I'm so horrible (see unsavoury thoughts towards Jenni), I totally don't deserve this trophy at all...
And there my friends were, congratulating me, hugging me, being happy for me. My husband was beaming at me with pride. My life is so fucking smashing awesome and yet I was whining over losing a trophy and didn't see it.
Next thing I knew I was full out sobbing.







And before I even had the chance to compose myself, I heard the other co-founder of Nuffnang, Tim, on stage talking about Region's Best Blog and how carefully Nuffnang selected the winner based on points and votes.
I honestly wasn't even paying attention to him because for some reason I thought someone at Nuffnang told me that this award cannot be given to the same person twice and so I thought I was ineligible to win!
Just like everyone else in the ballroom I was excited to see who the winner would be this year.
AND WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS..............?




Here I am, giving my speech on stage while actually crying. I think I gave quite a nice speech but alas nobody recorded it -_-

As you can tell Tim was very bemused by the tears and kept asking me why I was crying. I can't even explain!! I was just so overwhelmed with overlapping emotions!!
Happiness, gratitude, surprise, anxiety, guilt from feeling unworthy etc. It's too much!!
I'm the Region's Best Blog among Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, China, Hongkong and Australia! HOW?!

Surprisingly enough after I won the awards (and an Olympus camera PLUS and iPhone 4S from Celcom!!) I remembered that out of the jumble of thoughts I had, the one that kept hitting me was being worried everyone's gonna fucking hate me like mad because I won 3 awards in 2009 and swept away another 2 in 2011.
This came true shortly with the Aussie parenting bloggers. But as people all told me... Fuck them! I'm the one with the awards. ;)
A HUGE HUGE THANK YOU to Nuffnang for making my life so smashing.
I know I've said this so many times but where would we bloggers without you guys? I'd possibly be doing some admin job or would be in a miserable studio somewhere photoshopping people's wedding pictures for them.
And yet here I am, earning a living doing exactly what I love to do.
Thank you for bringing respect to bloggers, thank you for building the community where I made so many awesome friends, thank you for the last 4 years of love and care, and lastly, thank you for giving us bloggers NAPBAS, one special night just for us to feel important and special. ♥
And of course, loads and loads of hugs and kisses for every one of you who voted for me.
Just look at the damn crying picture ok? That's me appreciating it loads!!!!!
You guys are the best and I'm planning a way to repay you all. I'd let you know when it comes to fruition!
Unfortunately I was a little overwhelmed during the event and didn't take many pictures.
I lied.
I took many pictures with people who wanted pictures with me, just not with my camera. :p
WHAT? It's the ONE time in 2 years where I am like a star at an event ok?! Want to be a bit happy about it cannot ah?!
So back to me saying I didn't take many pictures... Fortunately I have friends who did take a lot of pics so I can steal from their blogs!! Namely Qiuqiu wtf, who is actually a master at photoshop. She edited me so well that I didn't bother to liquify anything about myself from the pictures she edited, plus on top of good aesthetic sense she edits like 200 pictures within a few hours. Every single person in her pics are edited because she is that nice. -_- Well I can just retire now and let the young people take over. I cannot do this photoshop crap anymore, my neck and arm muscles are killing me. QIU YOU JUST WAIT THIS WILL HAPPEN TO YOU WHEN YOU OLD.
The Singaporean bloggers all took 2 coaches up to KL's Marriott hotel where the event was held and we were all invited to stay. It was quite a fun ride but the coach got lost so by the time we arrived it was time for hair and makeup already!

This pic Qiuqiu took (as you can see from the watermark I put *ahem*) as I was in her hotel room (she was bunking with Sophie) putting on false lashes.
Amazingly enough someone put this picture on tumblr... It has over 10,000 notes! o_O I told Mike he is famous now as a dude in the background.
Btw my hair was done by Number 76style, a hair salon in KL opened by Japanese. My hair styling was done by a Japanese girl named Hikkey. She's awesome!
That's all my real hair btw, no extensions.
My sequinned dress is from Topshop at like $280 or something. The back was really loose for me but my Momo did some magic sewing and made it fit like a glove. Mad love for her!! How the hell she can sew sequins, I'd never find out.
Cheesie came into the room to get ready with us and camwhore!
Love this picture ALL of us girls were camwhoring at the same time with our own cameras! This is from Qiu's. Mine turned out blur. -_-

Here's another blur picture I took. FFFFUUU Y U NO BLUR WHEN I UGLY MUST BLUR WHEN I CHIO?!

A picture with His Royal Handsomeness Feat. Bradley Cooper's hair

Hate the lashes I chose for the day!
In 2009's Napbas my makeup was really fug and my hairstyle didn't suit me, because I experimented with new things, namely that pouffy hair and solotica contacts which I wore for the first time.
This year I swore to stick to makeup and hair that I already know works, so I chose a pair of lashes that I tried on at home and liked.
They were droopy as hell on the awards day. ANGRY! Oh well.

Qiu tonging and tonging nonstop while Mike stares out of a window. He stared for a long time. It's a little creepy but I suppose it's better than if he joins in our makeup session or keeps staring at the room full of gorgeous girls (I AM TALKING ABOUT THE REST OF THEM! Not really, me included. LOL).

Cheesie: "Look! Look mommy I took a picture!"
In the background is Sophie...

And here is Sophie's caption: "I don't know why these girls are fussing so much over their hair and makeup I don't need crap like that I'm Eurasian and naturally gorgeous even when I'm farting and kicking a kitten."
LOL When we were all dressed and ready Sophie was like still in casual clothes! She said getting ready doesn't require much time. ANGMOH HAO LIAN LAH!!

Cheesie photobombing me!

And me photobombing her!!
This photo of me is so fugly and yet I appreciate that Cheesie even tried to liquify me to look better (see black space around border). LOLOL
And then we adjourned to the ballroom...

Where I take this one shitty blurry picture of a happy Qiu and Soph and Jess in the background before I'm mobbed by hundreds of photo requests. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

Think Jess took this for me! With Ming, co-founder of Nuffnang and definitely a 贵人 in my life!

Cheesie and I went to take pictures with our nomination boards!
Not everyday you get printed on a poster, ok?

I also helped her snap shots of her with the Best Fashion Blog background but this pic of her turned out the chioest so I shall post it even though it's with my Best Lifestyle Blog nomination.





At the table!

With Aud too!
Before we could even settle in, the first award for Best Photography Blog was being given out.
I had a shock because it was sooooooooooooo GRAND.
There was intense music and spotlights and best of all, there were five panels forming the backdrop of the stage which could display different pictures!
As the nominations were read out, the panels showed the pictures of the bloggers and a deep manly voice recited their accolades.

Like this!
It was all just... MAJESTIC. With an epic soundtrack like the Oscars. And there was a red carpet and all!!
And when the first winner was announced, his giant headshot and screenshots of his blog flashed on the panels, larger than life, announcing "WINNER" in big letters.
All I could think of when I saw it was "WOW. THAT WAS AWESOME. I WANT THAT."
Too soon they were announcing for the Best Fashion Blog... I was trembling too coz I was so nervous for Cheesie!!

So happy for her!!
Even though Cheesie is not the high-end avant garde fashiony sort like most fashion bloggers are, she is definitely the most hardworking vain person ever and she takes pictures of her clothes like EVERYDAY so she totally deserves this! God know she influenced a lot of the styles I like now, like Liz Lisa etc and taught everyone all sorts of Cheat One tricks like how to tie a hair bow in 1 min. :D ♥
Too soon it was the announcement of the Best Lifestyle Blog, which I was nominated for. I was nerve wrecked even though everyone around me was so confident I would win. In my heart I thought - this is the easy one. If I don't win this there is no way in hell I'd win Influential.
The announcer was talking. I was rehearsing a speech inside for when I go up the stage. Then TA DAH!!
The winner is Jenni Epperson, from Philippines.
I sat in stunned silence.
My face was on one of the 5 panels as a finalist and it got ERASED to form the words "WINNER" next to Jenni's face and screenshots of her blog.
But that was not what I saw when I looked at the stage. What I saw was this:

And then all around the table my friends were giving me pitying "Aw, are you ok?" looks. It was so embarrassing.
I just faked a smile and soldiered on. Ok I'm kidding. I don't think I bothered to fake a smile, I just was emo and grumpy after that, spending my night thinking unsavoury thoughts about Jenni and hating her.
What? I'm sorry I've never been that sort of person who can be happy for other people when it's at my expense ok?!

And of course Jenni had to be the nicest person ever (pic taken after the awards, she's in the suit) and I felt so guilty. Actually all of the Filipino bloggers are super friendly and nice!!
So anyway as I was saying, I was being emo after that. Everyone kept telling me that I was bound to win for Influential, which wasn't announced yet.
It just made me sadder. They just didn't get it. One of the finalists, the one from Thailand, had 600,000 facebook fans!! I only had 60,000! If I can't win for Lifestyle where the finalists had a few thousand visitors a day to their site daily, how can I POSSIBLY win for Influential!?
Then Cheesie's mom called her and she said "Ma... I won..." with a voice choked with emotion and it made me wanna cry, partly out of being touched for Cheesie and partly because I thought of my own mom, anxiously waiting at home for the results. She already asked me TWICE if I won, and now I have to tell her I lost both awards.
And then I tweeted that I lost Lifestyle...
I expected gloaters but no, all I got were really sweet blog readers who told me they think I'm the best no matter what, they'd always vote for me, and whether I win or not doesn't matter because to them, I already won.
Before I knew it they were announcing the dreaded Most Influential Blog and I didn't even fucking prepare a speech but the most unimaginable thing happened:


I was just... WTF man... Couldn't believe it!!
(Also thanks to Aud whom I can see is sincerely happy for me lol)
And when I came down back to my seat... I thought of how awesome my blog readers are...
People always say I have hordes of sheep supporting me, but they are not, each of them are warm-blooded individuals with minds of their own... who believed in me and thought I deserved to win. They all made an effort for me; took time out of their day for me. And I'm so horrible (see unsavoury thoughts towards Jenni), I totally don't deserve this trophy at all...
And there my friends were, congratulating me, hugging me, being happy for me. My husband was beaming at me with pride. My life is so fucking smashing awesome and yet I was whining over losing a trophy and didn't see it.
Next thing I knew I was full out sobbing.



Which made Cheesie and Qiuqiu cry as well lol
Mike kept taking my crying pictures...
Now Cheesie can be happy about her award without considering my feelings! LOL


And before I even had the chance to compose myself, I heard the other co-founder of Nuffnang, Tim, on stage talking about Region's Best Blog and how carefully Nuffnang selected the winner based on points and votes.
I honestly wasn't even paying attention to him because for some reason I thought someone at Nuffnang told me that this award cannot be given to the same person twice and so I thought I was ineligible to win!
Just like everyone else in the ballroom I was excited to see who the winner would be this year.
AND WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS..............?



Here I am, giving my speech on stage while actually crying. I think I gave quite a nice speech but alas nobody recorded it -_-

As you can tell Tim was very bemused by the tears and kept asking me why I was crying. I can't even explain!! I was just so overwhelmed with overlapping emotions!!
Happiness, gratitude, surprise, anxiety, guilt from feeling unworthy etc. It's too much!!
I'm the Region's Best Blog among Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, China, Hongkong and Australia! HOW?!
Double winner!!
Surprisingly enough after I won the awards (and an Olympus camera PLUS and iPhone 4S from Celcom!!) I remembered that out of the jumble of thoughts I had, the one that kept hitting me was being worried everyone's gonna fucking hate me like mad because I won 3 awards in 2009 and swept away another 2 in 2011.
This came true shortly with the Aussie parenting bloggers. But as people all told me... Fuck them! I'm the one with the awards. ;)
A HUGE HUGE THANK YOU to Nuffnang for making my life so smashing.
I know I've said this so many times but where would we bloggers without you guys? I'd possibly be doing some admin job or would be in a miserable studio somewhere photoshopping people's wedding pictures for them.
And yet here I am, earning a living doing exactly what I love to do.
Thank you for bringing respect to bloggers, thank you for building the community where I made so many awesome friends, thank you for the last 4 years of love and care, and lastly, thank you for giving us bloggers NAPBAS, one special night just for us to feel important and special. ♥
And of course, loads and loads of hugs and kisses for every one of you who voted for me.
Just look at the damn crying picture ok? That's me appreciating it loads!!!!!
You guys are the best and I'm planning a way to repay you all. I'd let you know when it comes to fruition!
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